My Life, My World, My Adventure. This blog tells about Story of My Life, My Idea, My Point of View in form of writing. By Writing I can enjoy my life, because I can tell anything in this blog. Have a nice Reading, and let's writing, Everyone !!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Jambi September 27, 2008
Selamat Hari Idul Fitri 1429 H
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin
Menyusuri sepanjang sungai Musi
Menatap indah alam Kalimantan
Kuucapkan Selamat Idul Fitri
Segala salah dan khilaf mohon dimaafkan
Andai jemari tak smpt berjabat,
Andai raga tak dpt b'tatap
Seiring beduk yg menggema,
Seruan takbir yg berkumandang
Kuhaturkan salam menyambut Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Jika ada kata serta khilafku membekas lara mhn maaf lahir batin.
Jika HATI sejernih AIR,
Jangan biarkan ia keruh Jika HATI seputih AWAN,
Jangan biarkan dia mendung Jika HATI seindah BULAN,
Hiasi ia dengan IMAN.
Melati semerbak harum mewangi
Sebagai penghias di hari fitri
Email ini hadir pengganti diri
Ulurkan tangan silaturahmi
Selamat Idul Fitri 1429 H
Monday, September 22, 2008
Bandar Lampung
September 22, 2008
I watch a movie last night, with title Hitch, the actor is Will Smith who
become a Love Consultant, while here his job description is helping the people for finding a love.
One of his clients is Alex Brennen, who love much with Allegra
and Hitch help this guy start from how meet with Allegra,
how to speak, how to treat her to be feel so special
and till Allegra fall in love with Alex.
I have some insight for this movie: sometimes we should make a conditional for finding a love,
and the conditional love will be broke up by the honest love, whether when we love a person,
just do it, face any thing whatever barrier us to get the true love.
This story happened till Hitch fall in love with one of the writer in the publisher in America,
and he feel that actually the man that need help for finding the love is him self.
So pathetic, as Love consultant, but his love life actually in bad of condition.
But actually it ends in nice ending.
So cheers it up with your condition now, just let it flow
and make it greats that love is not only loving, liking
but need a sacrifice.
Friday, September 19, 2008
HP is No 1 in IT Company in The World
Friday, September 12, 2008
Cinderella Man
Bandar Lampung
September 12, 2008.
This Film is very-very i recommended to be watched for,
tells about a a fighter who start his career in good performance,
till the day who United States underwent a economical recession in 1930-an
that impacted most of all business in US collapsed.
It also impact on the life of James J Braddock, Mae (his wife) and their three children.
In this film tells how a fighter can pass the hard ways in his family life with supported by his wife, so finally he can fight to get back his life.
I recommend to you for seeing this film.
Most when i home, i watch this film, more then 20 times, i have seen this Movie.
I loved it.
Cheers it up.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 12, 2008
Most of us know about the character of people at least knowing the character of him self.
Each of us have different in the way we see somethings, like i have done before, i show a picture
to 2 persons, and one person and other one see the different objects because of the different in the perception.
Most of us have different characters that sometimes impact on the bad relationship to our peer in our environment, such kinds with people around of us, even sometimes we have so different characters with our family.
So, it will impact on the way we behave or attitudes in most of day in our live. Sometimes people would like feeling "show off" with him self by treating people as his or her wants.
Persons such kinds of this will try show his or her show off skill to people in order people want to know about him or her much.
But, i quoted this statement from Pak Setya Rahadi Blog, "Character is doing the right things when no body was looking". So just do the good things for your self, which not expect to be seen by the people or want to be show off.
Cheers it up
Frame in a glasses
September 11, 2008
At night i have discussed with my friends by Yahoo Massanger (YM).
He talked to me that he was accepted as staff in Finance devision in one of Private Hospital in Lampung. He actually was still a student in one of College in Private University in Lampung.
He took Information Technology department in his degree.
The case is he talked to me that he confused that he was an IT persons, actually he was joined in a company as Finance Staff, who responsible related in Accounting, such as job posting, general ledger, financial statement, that never he learned much in his college.
I have advised him as followed:
1. Don't be a frog inside of piece of coconut shell, it means we can not judge that we are as a big one, as smart one, good one, so be your self and actually always prove your self and make increasing in many of portfolio skills, it means you might be as engineer, being a Broker, being a IT persons, being a Cleaning Service.
2. Don't Frame your self in your Glasses, it means that don't frame your self into the situation that restricted you to be people who multi talented persons. I was told it by Pak Setya Rahadi (HRD Manager Indonesia and Asia Emerging Countries). and i always reference him till to day i worked for this company (HP-red).
So come to the conclusions of this situation that in such kinds of situation that make us confuse to think or make a decision, just look around of you, think so many consideration when you want make an action that will impact on your self. Frame of glasses can be as our references case how we treat our self to be a persons that see world and life in the different and unusual ways.
Cheers it up
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Micheal Jordan
“I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” by Michael Jordan
“It's important to know that words don't move mountains. Work, exacting work moves mountains.” by Danilo Dolci
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Job is Joy, Life is Happiness
Bandar Lampung
September 9, 2008
Job is joy, Life is happiness.
I have quoted this statement from my friends, since i joined HP Fresh Graduate Development Program.
You know what, from this statement that, how we treat our job, our current role as a joy, and we treat life as a happiness.
Sometimes, we assume that when we make life is simple, we can enjoy our life.
Life is simple, do not make it so complicated.
Cheers it up
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tight UP
Saturday, Sept 6, 2008
I am bit tight up this week,
so what i do is make a focus for my task within this week for completion,
might be in next Sunday at 14, i will go to Jakarta
i have a meeting with my team, and should attend HP Global Training.
Cheers it up
Monday, September 1, 2008
Kapan Kah Kita Merasa Cukup????
September 2, 2008
I have receive an email today, and i have interest for posting it to my blog.
Here the story is:
Alkisah, seorang petani menemukan sebuah mata air ajaib. Mata air itu bisa mengeluarkan kepingan uang emas yang tak terhingga banyaknya. Mata air itu bisa membuat si petani menjadi kaya raya seberapapun yang diinginkannya, sebab kucuran uang emas itu baru akan berhenti bila si petani mengucapkan kata "cukup". Seketika si petani terperangah melihat kepingan uang emas berjatuhan di depan hidungnya. Diambilnya beberapa ember untuk menampung uang kaget itu. Setelah semuanya penuh, dibawanya ke gubug mungilnya untuk disimpan disana. Kucuran uang terus mengalir sementara si petani mengisi semua karungnya, seluruh tempayannya, bahkan mengisi penuh rumahnya. Masih kurang! Dia menggali sebuah lubang besar untuk menimbun emasnya. Belum cukup, dia membiarkan mata air itu terus mengalir hingga akhirnya petani itu mati tertimbun bersama ketamakannya karena dia tak pernah bisa berkata cukup.
Kata yang paling sulit diucapkan oleh manusia barangkali adalah kata "cukup". Kapankah kita bisa berkata cukup? Hampir semua pegawai merasa gajinya belum bisa dikatakan sepadan dengan kerja kerasnya. Pengusaha hampir selalu merasa pendapatan perusahaannya masih dibawah target. Istri mengeluh suaminya kurang perhatian. Suami berpendapat istrinya kurang pengertian. Anak-anak menganggap orang tuanya kurang murah hati. Semua merasa kurang dan kurang. Kapankah kita bisa berkata cukup?
Cukup bukanlah soal berapa jumlahnya. Cukup adalah persoalan kepuasan hati. Cukup hanya bisa diucapkan oleh orang yang bisa mensyukuri. Tak perlu takut berkata cukup. Mengucapkan kata cukup bukan berarti kita berhenti berusaha dan berkarya. "Cukup" jangan diartikan sebagai kondisi stagnasi, mandeg dan berpuas diri. Mengucapkan kata cukup membuat kita melihat apa yang telah kita terima, bukan apa yang belum kita dapatkan. Jangan biarkan kerakusan manusia membuat kita sulit berkata cukup. Belajarlah mencukupkan diri dengan apa yang ada pada diri kita hari ini, maka kita akan menjadi manusia yang berbahagia.
Here we can get some point of view that we should try to be understand about how we enjoy the life by always say thanks to the God that always give us the life.